INTERIOR DESIGN PHILOSOPHY proposes philosophical collections through encounters and affinities.
Les pierres philosophales, a capsule collection of magic lamps: the onyx stone reveals a word when the light is on. In collaboration with BorisLab.
Philosophical candles: a collection of fragrant reflections... Some of the benefits are donated to Save the Children, which fights against illiteracy in the world among other things.
Philosophical books: a collection of electronic art books, available on iBooks. All sales go to Save the Children, which is fighting against illiteracy around the world.
The philosophical gallery: Interior Design Philosophy offers a gallery of contemporary art to discover artists brought together under the theme of writing and poetry.
Philosophical rugs: a collection that pays tribute to different cultures and calligraphies ... Part of the profits goes to Save the Children, which fights among other things against illiteracy in the world.
Il était une fois… ma maison : Interior Design Philosophy proposes an interactive book explaining the methodology of the studio (in French only).
" Tout bonheur est poésie essentiellement, et poésie veut dire action ; l'on n'aime guère un bonheur qui vous tombe ; on veut l'avoir fait. [...] Imaginez-vous un collectionneur qui n'aurait pas fait sa collection ? "